1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 796.332(497.4Maribor)

Avtor se v prispevku na kratko dotakne pionirske vloge Nemcev pri organiziranem igranju nogometa na območju slovenskih dežel, saj so bili le-ti najbolj zaslužni, da se je nogomet na Slovenskem sploh začel organizirano igrati in s tem tudi razvijati. V nadaljevanju se avtor posveti predstavitvi osrednjega nogometnega kluba mariborskih Nemcev Sportvereinigung Rapid. Namen prispevka je opozoriti na v podzavesti Mariborčanov prisotno, a nikoli natančneje predstavljeno pionirsko vlogo Nemcev v razvoju nogometne igre na območju slovenskih dežel, ter spregovoriti o okoliščinah nastanka nemških nogometnih klubov v Mariboru.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 796.332(497.4Maribor)

In his paper, the author briefly touches upon the pioneering role of Germans in playing organized football in Slovenian territory because they deserve the credit that football came to Slovenian territory and was developed there. Next, the central football club of the Maribor Germans, the Sportvereinigung Rapid, is presented. The article aims to draw attention to the pioneering role of Germans in the development of football on Slovenian territory and comment on the circumstances surrounding the establishment of German football clubs in Maribor, a phenomenon that has existed in the subconscious of the people of Maribor, however, which has not yet been presented in detail.