1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 070(497.4Celje)"1848/1849"

Marija Mojca Peternel: Poskus orisa bralne kulture na Štajerskem sredi 19. stoletja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 86=51(2015), 1, str. 45–69
V prispevku smo poskušali na podlagi knjigotrških oglasov orisati bralno kulturo na Štajerskem v revolucionarnem letu 1848/49. Kot vir sta nam služila oba v Celju izhajajoča časopisa Cillier Zeitung in Celjske slovenske novine, pri čemer je slednji nosil le manjši delež. Čeprav je oba časopisa tiskal isti tiskar, so bili oglasi v nemškem časopisu številčnejši. Prilogo Cillier Zeitung Intelligenzblatt zur Cillier Zeitung bi zaradi svoje vsebine in ne nazadnje tudi oblike lahko enakovredno uvrstili ob bok prilog vseh večjih takratnih časopisov. Prav zato smo njene knjižne oglase primerjali z oglasi v drugih takratnih časopisih v večjih mestih in poskušali ugotoviti podobnosti.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 070(497.4Celje)"1848/1849"

Marija Mojca Peternel: An Attempt to Outline the Reading Culture in Styria in the Middle
of the 19th Century. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 86=51(2015),
1, pp. 45–69
On the basis of bookselling ads this article tries to outline the reading culture in Styria in the year of Revolutions of 1848. Our sources were both in Celje published newspapers, Cillier Zeitung and Celjske slovenske novine, wherein the later played a less important role. The ads were published in a greater number in the German newspaper, although both newspapers were printed by the same printer. The supplement Cillier Zeitung Intelligenzblatt zur Cillier Zeitung can, due to its contents and also due to its form, be equivalently placed among the then most important newspapers. Therefore
we compared its book ads with ads in other newspapers from bigger cities and tried to determine similarities.