1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 811.163.6'282(497.4-18):791

Alenka Valh Lopert, Melita Zemljak Jontes: Potrčevev roman Na kmetih v Pavlovićevem celovečernem filmu Rdeče klasje. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, str. 169–202

Prispevek se osredinja na prenos zapisane besede v govorno uresničitev v filmu Rdeče klasje (1970), ki ga je po motivih iz Potrčevega romana Na kmetih (1954) režiral Živojin Pavlović. Primerjalna analiza tako zajema v romanu, sicer zapisanem v knjižni slovenščini, zastopano narečno besedje z Dravskega polja, ki mestoma podkrepi lokalno pripadnost likov, in govor likov v filmu, ki temelji zgolj na motivih iz literarne predloge, in se v večini kaže kot knjižni, celo zborni govor, kar pa deluje pri filmskih likih s podeželja nenaravno.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 811.163.6'282(497.4-18):791

Alenka Valh Lopert, Melita Zemljak Jontes: Potrč’s Novel Na kmetih (In the Country) in Pavlović’s Feature Film Rdeče klasje (Read Ears). Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 84=49(2013), 2–3, pp. 169–202

The treatise concentrates on the shift from the written word to the spoken realisation in the film Rdeče klasje (Red Ears) (1970), which is based on the themes from Potrč’s novel Na kmetih (In the Country) (1954) and was directed by Živojin Pavlović. The comparative analysis includes the dialect vocabulary from the Drava field that was used in the novel, which was otherwise written in the standard Slovene language and this dialect language also partly supports the characters’ feeling of local belonging. The language of the characters in film that is based only on the motives from the literary material is also included in the analysis. In the most cases this language is standard or even the written language and it appears to be unnatural when spoken by film characters from the country.