1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 314.151.3(=163.6)(73Denver)"1908/1950"

Maruša Verbič: Pregled zgodovine Zapadne slovanske zveze (Western Slavonic Association) v letih 1908–1950. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 82=47(2011), 4, str. 129–159

V članku z naslovom Pregled zgodovine Zapadne slovanske zveze (Western Slavonic Association) v letih 1908–1950 je opisana zgodovina prvih desetletij delovanja slovenske bratske podporne organizacije s sedežem v Denverju, v ameriški zvezni državi Kolorado. Navkljub dejstvu, da gre za eno od pomembnejših slovenskih bratskih podpornih organizacij v Ameriki, katere prvotni namen je bila predvsem zaščita slovenskih priseljencev na zahodu ZDA, ne obstaja nobena znanstvena raziskava, ki bi celovito obravnavala njen nastanek in razvoj. Članek je osnovan na podatkih, ki sem jih pridobila na podlagi proučevanja poznanih zgodovinskih virov, zlasti slovenskega  izseljenskega tiska v ZDA, in temelji na opisovanju poteka in dejavnikov vzpostavitve, spreminjanja ter razcveta Zapadne slovanske zveze. 

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 314.151.3(=163.6)(73Denver)"1908/1950"

Maruša Verbič: The Historic Overview of the Western Slavonic Association in the Years between 1908 and 1950. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 82=47(2011), 4, pp. 129–159

The article with the title “The Historic Overview of the Western Slavonic Association in the Years between 1908 and 1950” presents the history of the first decades of the Slovene fraternal benefit organisation with its headquarters in Denver, in the American United State Colorado. In spite of the fact that this was one of the most important Slovene fraternal benefit organisations in the United States of America with its basic goal to protect the Slovene immigrants in Western USA, no scientific research that would deal with its establishment and development comprehensively exists. The article is based on the data I collected while studying the historical sources, mostly the Slovene emigrant press in the United States of America and on the description of the way the Western Slavonic Association was established, which factors influenced its establishment, as well as of its changing and flowering.