1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek
UDK 94:070.13(4)''18''

Andrej Pastar: Primerjava cenzurnih sistemov v prvi polovici 19. stoletja v celinski
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 86=51(2015), 2–3, str. 34–62

Članek predstavlja delovanje cenzurnih sistemov v celinski Evropi v prvi polovici 19.
stoletja (habsburško cesarstvo, ruski imperij, prusko ter francosko kraljestvo). Primerja
avstrijski cenzurni sistem in njegovo strogost z drugimi pomembnejšimi cenzurnimi
sistemi v celinski Evropi do revolucionarnega leta 1848.

1.02 Rewiew Scientific Article
UDC 94:070.13(4)''18''

Andrej Pastar: Comparison of Censorship Systems in the First Half of the 19th Century
Continental Europe
. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 86=51(2015), 2–3,
pp. 34–62

The article represents different censorship systems in continental Europe in the first
half of the 19th century (the Habsburg Empire, the Russian Empire, the Prussian Kingdom
and the French Kingdom). On the basis of modern historiographic literature it
compares the Habsburg Empire censorship (known for its rigid censorship system),
and other major censorship systems (until the revolutionary year 1848).