1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 37(497.413)"1945/1952"

Jure Maček: Razvoj obveznega šolstva na Koroškem od osvoboditve do začetka petdesetih
let 20. stoletja.
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 89=54(2018),
1–2, str. 125–166

Avtor prikazuje razvoj šolstva po letu 1945 do začetka petdesetih let na Koroškem.
Tega zaznamujejo številne lokalne posebnosti pri organizaciji šolstva in izvajanju partijskih
direktiv. Na precej hribovitem področju so bile v večini slabo razvite, majhne
šole, v katerih je potekal večinoma kombiniran pouk. Avtorja zanimata še socialna in
izobrazbena struktura učencev na različnih ravneh šolanja ter odnos okolja do šole v
novih družbenih razmerah, pa tudi ideološka prevzgoja prosvetnega kadra ter spremenjena
vloga učiteljev v novem družbenem sistemu, skladna s partijsko ideologijo.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 37(497.413)"1945/1952"

Jure Maček: The Development of Mandatory Schooling in Carinthia from the Liberation
to the Beginning of the 1950s. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor
89=54(2018), 1–2, pp. 125–166

The author presents the development of the school system in Carinthia from after
1945 until the beginning of the 1950s. The development is determined by numerous
local specifics in the organisation of the school system and by the execution of the Communist Party directives. The education in this quite hilly area was characterised
by poorly developed and small schools with mostly combined classes. The author is
interested in the social and educational structure of pupils on different educational
levels and in the relations between the school environment and the school in the new
social situation and in the ideological re-education of teaching staff and their changing
role in the new social system according to the Communist Party ideology.