1.04 Strokovni članek

Polonca Majcenovič: Spomini šolskih sester. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje,
Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, str. 193–201

V članku so predstavljeni spomini na mater Margareto Puhar, ustanoviteljico Kongregacije
šolskih sester sv. Frančiška Kristusa Kralja v Mariboru, s pomočjo njene fotografije,
njenih pisem, spominov drugih šolskih sester in kronike Materne hiše v Mariboru.
V drugem delu članka je predstavljena spominska soba matere Margarete v Materni
hiši v Mariboru; v njej so ohranjeni številni dokumenti iz zgodovine kongregacije, ki
ohranjajo spomin na mater Margareto in delovanje šolskih sester v Mariboru in širom
po svetu. Soba je bila urejena 24. 11. 2012 in je odprta za obiskovalce.

1.04 Professional article

Polonca Majcenovič: Memoirs of the School Sisters. Review for History and Ethnography,
Maribor 89=54(2018), 3, pp. 193–201

On the basis of a photograph, letters, memoirs of other School Sisters and the Chronicle
of the maternity home in Maribor, the article presents memories of Margareta Puhar,
the founder of the Congregation of Schools Sisters of St. Francis of Christ the King
in Maribor. The second part of the treatise presents Mother Margareta’s memorial
room in the maternity home in Maribor. Numerous documents on the history of the
congregation, the memory of Mother Margareta and the activities of the School Sisters
in Maribor and all around the world are kept in this room. The memorial room was
arranged on November 24th 2012 and is open to the public.