1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.4Maribor):613.888.151.2"1918/1941"

Mateja Ratej: Zastrta bolečina: abortus na območju Maribora med svetovnima vojnama.
Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 91=56(2020), 2–3, str. 40–52

Avtorica se v kulturnozgodovinski študiji ukvarja s kazenskimi primeri nedovoljenega opravljanja abortusov na področju okrožnega sodišča v Mariboru med svetovnima vojnama, ki razkrivajo odnos do abortusa ter zarisujejo družbene okoliščine, v katerih so bile ženske zaradi umetnih prekinitev nosečnosti stigmatizirane in prepuščene bolj ali manj usposobljenim zdravnikom ali mazačem, ki so se ukvarjali z opravljanjem splavov. Zaradi visoke stopnje socialne neenakosti so bile najbolj ogrožena skupina žensk z neželenimi nosečnostmi delavke, služkinje, kmečke ženske ali dekle ipd. Avtorica izpostavlja več kazenskih primerov, mdr. mariborskega zdravnika Hermanna Kraussa in zobozdravnika Antona Levca, ki mu je neposredno po splavu umrla sedemindvajsetletna tkalka Hutterjeve tovarne, ter primer Marije Wölle, soproge mariborskega  poštarja in matere štirih otrok, ki je bila med svetovnima vojnama večkrat kazensko preganjana zaradi izvajanja splavov; njene stranke so bile manj premožne ženske iz Maribora in okolice, ki so želele prekiniti nosečnost.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(497.4Maribor):613.888.151.2"1918/1941"

Mateja Ratej: Veiled Pain: Abortions in the Maribor Area During the Interwar Period.
Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 91=56(2020), 2–3, pp. 40–52

In this cultural-historical study, the author deals with criminal cases of illegal abortions in the Maribor district court area in the interwar period. These cases reveal the attitude towards abortion and outline the social circumstances, in which women were stigmatised because of the artificial termination of pregnancy and were left in the hand of more or less qualified doctors or charlatans, who carried out abortions. Due to a high level of social inequality, the most endangered group of unwantedly pregnant women were workers, servants, farmers, or maids, etc. The author emphasises multiple criminal cases, among others the cases of Maribor doctor Hermann Krauss and dentist Anton Levc, who caused an instant death after carrying out an abortion for a twentyseven- years old weaver from the Hutter factory. She also presents Marija Wölle, a wife of a Maribor postman and a mother of four, who was during world wars many times prosecuted for doing abortions. Her clients were not so wealthy women from Maribor and its surroundings, who wanted to terminate their pregnancies.