1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 7.034.7:[726:27-523.6](497.4Ptuj)

Polona Vidmar: Baročna oprema ptujske dominikanske cerkve. Časopis za zgodovino
in narodopisje, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, str. 189–230

Po razpustu ptujskega dominikanskega samostana so baročno opremo njegove cerkve
razprodali in podarili drugim cerkvam. S pomočjo pisnih virov in ikonografske analize
je bilo mogoče ugotoviti, da so deli velikega oltarja (skulpture sv. Dominika, sv.
Avguština, sv. Janeza Krstnika in sv. Jožefa, angelov in tabernakelj) ohranjeni v Sveti
Mariji v Medmurju, deli oltarja sv. Vincencija (skulpture sv. papeža Pija V., sv. Karla
Boromejskega, sv. Katarine in sv. Barbare, angelov ter tabernakelj) so na velikem oltarju
cerkve sv. Vida v Donjem Vidovcu, deli oltarja sv. Dominika (skulpture sv. Tomaža
Akvinskega, sv. Hiacinta (?), sv. Ladislava in sv. Florjana ter angelov) pa so ohranjeni
na stranskih oltarjih v Donjem Vidovcu. V Donjem Vidovcu sta tudi oltarna slika Rožnovenske
Matere Božje in kopija »druge« Marijaceljske milostne podobe. Skulpture za
oltar sv. Vincencija so delo Jožefa Holzingerja, za oltar sv. Dominika pa Michaela Zilla.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 7.034.7:[726:27-523.6](497.4Ptuj)

Polona Vidmar: The Baroque Furnishings and Fittings of the Ptuj Dominican Church.
Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, pp. 189–230

After the dissolution of the Dominican monastery, the Baroque fittings of its church
were sold or donated to other churches. With the help of written sources and iconographic
analysis, it was possible to determine that parts of the main altar (sculptures
of St. Dominic, St. Augustine, St. John the Baptist and St. Joseph, the angels and the
tabernacle) were preserved in Sveta Marija in Međimurje and that the St. Vincent altar parts (sculptures of St. Pope Pius V., St. Charles Borromeo, St. Catherine and St.
Barbara, of the angels and the tabernacle) are on the main altar in the Church of St.
Vitus in Donji Vidovec. Parts of the St. Dominic altar (the sculptures of St. Thomas
Aquinas, St. Hyacinth (?), St. Ladislaus, St. Florian and the angels) are preserved on the
side altars in Donji Vidovec. The altarpiece of the Rosemary Mother of God and the
copy of “the second” graceful image of Mary from Mariazell are also in Donji Vidovec.
The sculptures for the altar of St. Vincent were created by Josef Holzinger, and for the
St. Dominic altar by Michael Zill.