1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 904(497.4Ptuj):929.651

Paola Korošec, Iva Miki Curk: Podjetnik, tehnolog ali zbiralec - Sigilata o eni od hiš rimskodobnega Ptuja. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 79=44(2008), 3-4, str. 5-23

Najdišče v vzhodnem delu mesta, sodobno poškodovano, nato raziskano v zavaroovalnem izkopavanju 1. 1977. Najdene razmeroma mnoge sigilate (red Terra sigillata), približno 400 primerkov. Izbor sega od late aretine, padanic, tardoitalic, kasnejših izdelkov iz Južne Galije, prek izdelkov iz malodane vseh ateljejev, tudi zgodnjih iz Sreddnje Galije, do množice primerkov iz Vzhodne Galije in Zgornje Germanije. Gradiva iz Severne Afrike je malo in iz starejših faz. Panonskih in določenih poetovia izdelkov skoraj ni. Sigilata je torej iz časa od začetka 2. do tretje tretjine 3. stoletja AD. Analiza arheoloških plasti kaže, da je sigilata iz enega smiselnega sklopa in da je verjetno povezana s stavbami, kjer je bila pobrana. Sklepamo, da je bila cela zbirka v vsakdanji rabi zaključenega gospodarstva verjetno dveh ali treh generacij premožnejših podjeetnikov, ki so tudi prebivali v mestnem predelu svoje gospodarske dejavnosti. Pregled ugotovljenih stavbnih enot glede na funkcijo v celem mestu potrjuje, da so bile take stavbne inzule (insula) z več funkcijami hkrati v mestu dokaj običajna stavbna enota.

1.01 Original Scientific Article

Paola Korošec, Iva Miki Curk: Entrepreneur, technologist or collector - Sigilata on one of the Ptuj houses from the Roman period. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 79=44(2008), 3-4, pp. 5-23

The excavation site in the Eastern part of the city, recently damaged, then researched at protected rese ue excavation in 1977. The relatively opulent red Terra sigillata, appproximately 400 objects. The collection goes back to late Aretine, Padanic, Tardoitalic, late products from South Gaul, further products from almost all ateglies, including early ones from Central Gau!, to a multitude of objects from East Gaul and Upper Gerrmania. Materials from North Africa are scarce and from later stages. Pannonian and ascertained Poetovian products are al most absent. Sigilata is thus from the times of the beginning of the second third to the third third of the 3. century AD. The analysis of of archaeologicallayers indicates that sigillata pertains to a meaning entirety and that it is probably associated with buildings, where it was collected. We sonclude that the entire collection was in every day use of an enclosed economic entity of two or three generations of well to do entrepreneurs, whoc also resided in the urban part of their economic sites. The inspection of the construction units regarding the function in the entire town confrims that they were construction insula with multiple simulatneous functions in the town being a usual construction unit