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Odnos Slovenske ljudske stranke do Vojske Kraljevine SHS/Jugoslavije
1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 329.3(497.12):355.3(497.1)"1918/1941"
Jure Gašparič: Odnos Slovenske ljudske stranke do Vojske Kraljevine SHS/Jugoslavije. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 79=44(2008), 3-4, str. 67-88
Avtor v razpravi uvodoma ugotavlja, da je Slovensko ljudsko stranko v času prve jugooslovanske države podpirala večina slovenskega volilnega telesa in da imajo zato njeni pogledi na vojsko in vojaška vprašanja posebno težo. Pri tem opozarja, da je tudi SLS - kot večina relevantnih političnih akterjev - vojsko načeloma vrednotila pozitivno. Obstoj in učinkovitost oboroženih sil zanjo nista bila vprašljiva, ustroj, značaj in razzmere znotraj njih pa so, nasprotno, bili predmet ostre kritike. Pisec na tej podlagi nato analizira dinamiko odnosa SLS do vojske in jo skuša vpeti tako v vsedržavni politični okvir kot v razumevanje delovanja same stranke. Ob tem se zlasti opira na programske dokumente SLS, beograjske stenografske zapisnike in tamkajšnje arhivsko gradivo.
1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 329.3(497.12):355.3(497.1 )"1918/1941"
Jure Gašparič: The Relation between the Slovene People's Party and the Kingdom of 5erbs, Croats and Slovenes I Yugoslav Army. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 79=44(2008),3-4, pp. 67-88
In the introduction the author state s that the Slovene People's Party (SLS) was suppported by the majority of the Slovene election body in the times of the 1st Yugoslav state and that therefore its views on the army and the military questions are of a great importance. The author emphasises that the SLS - as the majority of relevant political acteurs - evaluated the army as positive. The existence and the efficiency of the armed forces were not questionable, the structure, character and the relations in the forces were, on the contrary, subject to strict criticism. On this basis the writer analyses the dynamics of the relation between the SLS and the army and he tries to bring it in the political frameworks as well as in the understanding of the functioning of the party itself. The author leans on the programme documents of teh SLS, the Belgrade stenographic protocols and the archival documents.