1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 75.052:[726:27-523.6](497.4Ptuj)

Janez Balažic: Novoodkrite stenske poslikave v nekdanjem ptujskem dominikanskem
samostanu. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, str.

Avtor obravnava noovodkrite stenske slikarije v ptujskem dominikanskem samostanu.
Pohod treh modrih v nekdanji zakristiji zaznamujejo elementi prehodnega ali mešanega
sloga 3. četrtine 14. stoletja, kar omogoča časovno umestitev ok. leta 1370. Marijo
Zavetnico iz nekdanje dominikanske cerkve, naslikano z dominikansko pobožnostjo
v odmevih zobčastega sloga ter visokogotskega linearnega sloga med poznim 13. in
zgodnjim 14. stoletjem, je mogoče umeščati tudi v evropski okvir. Na ostenju slepega
okna v južni steni nekdanje cerkve se v izzvenevajočem lepem slogu kaže sv. Katarina
(1420–30), v lentikularni pojavnosti pa se izza nje lušči še podoba Ludvika IX. Svetega,
ki jo avtor umešča med leti 1310–20, nastala pa je v ugodnih povezavah Hartnida III.
Ptujskega, Blanche Valois in njenega soproga vojvode Rudolfa I. Habsburškega.
Ključne besede: stenske poslikave, dominikanski samostan, Ptuj, Pohod treh modrih,
prehodni ali mešani slog, visokogotski linearni slog, Marija Zavetnica s plaščem, sv.
Katarina, Ludvik IX. Sveti

UDC 75.052:[726:27-523.6](497.4Ptuj)

Janez Balažic: The Newly-Found Wall Paintings in the Former Ptuj Dominican Monastery.
Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, pp. 120–141

The author discusses the newly-found wall paintings in the Ptuj Dominican Monastery.
The Journey of the Three Magi in the former vestry is defined by elements of the “transitional” or the “mixed” styles from the third quarter of the 14th century, which
allows the painting to be dated to around 1370. The Virgin Mary the Protector, painted
in Dominican devotion, which was produced between the late 13th and the early 14th
century, reflects both the “cog” and High Gothic linear style, and can also be placed
within the European context. On the wall of the blind window on the southern side
of the former church we find St. Catherine (1420–30), painted in the Beautiful Style,
already dying out at the time, with a lenticular image of St. Louis IX visible behind
her. The author dates this painting to the period between 1310 and 1320 and states that
it was painted as a result of the favourable connections between Hartnid III of Ptuj,
Blanche of Valois and her husband, Duke Rudolf I of Habsburg.