1.01 Izvorni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(73)"1801/1809"

Irena Marković: Odkrivanje zahodenga dela Severne Amerike v začetku 19. stoletja. Ekspedicija Lewisa in Clarka (1804-1809). II. del: Biografija pobudnika in voditeljev ekspedicije. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 81=46(2010), 4, str. 5-28

Biografije pobudnika in voditeljev ekspedicije, predsednika Združenih držav Amerike Thomasa Jeffersona ter kapitanov Meriwetherja Lewisa in Williama Clarka, odkrivajo njihovo življensko pot in vlogo pri uresničevanju ideje o odkrivanju zahodnega dela Severne Amerike ter dokazujejo njihove vodstvene sposobnosti. V dveh predsedniških mandatih Thomasa Jeffersona (1801-1809) so Združene države Amerike doživele velik gospodarski, družbeni in politični razvoj ter se začele širiti proti zahodu. Takoj po izvolitvi je Thomas Jefferson odpravil posredne davke, zmanjšal stroške za vojsko in mornarico. S temi ukrepi se je odzval na gospodarsko in finančno politiko dotedanjega finančnega ministra Alexandra Hamiltona, ki je bila usmerjena v centralizacijo zvezne vlade.

1.01 Original scientific article
UDC 94(73)"1801/1809"

Irena Marković: Discovering the West part of the North America in the beginning of the 19th century. The Lewis and Clark expedition (1804-1809). Part II: the initiator's and the expedition leaders' biographies. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 81=46(2010), 4, pp. 5-28

The biographies of the initiator and the expedition leaders, i.e. of the president of the United States of Mareica, Thomas Jefferson and the captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark, show theior life paths and their role in realising the idea of discovering the West part of the North America and prove their leadreship talents. In two presidential mandates Thomas Jefferson's (1801-1809) the United States of America achieved a huge economic, social and political development and started spreading towards West. Immediately after being elected president, Thomas Jefferson abolished the indirect taxes and cut the expenses for the army and navy needs. With these measures he responded to the financial politics of the then Minister of finance, Alexander Hamilton, which was aumed at the centralisation of the federal government.