1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek
UDK 94(497.12Maribor)"1941":351.824.5

Rajmund Lampreht: Preskrba mesta Maribor leta 1941. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 81=46(2010), 1, str. 67-91

V članku bo avtor na osnovi časnika Marburger Zeitung, dokumentov Pokrajinskega arhiva Maribor, Muzeja Narodne osvoboditve Maribor in literature orisal preskrbo mesta Maribor leta 1941 ter poskušal pokazati veliko razliko med Kraljevino Jugoslavijo in Nemčijo. Najprej bo prikazal slabo urejeno preskrbo v času Kraljevine Jugoslavije. Nato bo prikazal kako se je preskrbe lotila Nemčija in jo reševala.

1.01 Original Scientific Article
UDC 94(497.12Maribor)"1941 ":351.824.5

Rajmund Lampreht: The Food Supply in the Maribor City in 1941. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 81=46(2010), 1, pp. 67-91

On the basis of the newspaper Marburger Zeitung, the documents from the Regional Archives Maribor and from the Museum of National Liberation Maribor and on the basis of professional literature the aut hor describes the food supplies in the city of Maribor in 1941 in this article. The author will also try to show the big difference between the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and Germany. First of all he will show the poorly organised food supply in the times of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia and then also how Germany dealt with the same problem.