1.04 Strokovni članek
UDK 726:27-523.6(497.4Ptuj); 719(497.4Ptuj)

Vlasta Čobal Sedmak, Martina Lesar Kikelj: Restavratorski posegi v dominikanskem
samostanu na Ptuju med letoma 2010‒2013. Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje,
Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, str. 142–167

Ob prenovi dominikanskega samostana na Ptuju že od leta 2009 nepretrgoma potekajo
konservatorsko-restavratorska dela. Ob že odkritih fragmentih poslikav, ki so zahtevale
ponovno obravnavo, smo restavratorji pod plastmi ometov in zazidav odkrili
edinstvene poslikave tako v slovenskem kot širšem prostoru. Prioritetna restavratorska
dela so bila usmerjena v konserviranje odkritih poslikav in s tem stabilizacijo pred
nadaljnjim propadom. Za enovito zaključeno podobo samostanskih historičnih elementov
je nadaljevanje konservatorsko-restavratorskih del ključnega pomena.

1.04 Professionall Article
UDC 726:27-523.6(497.4Ptuj); 719(497.4Ptuj)

Vlasta Čobal Sedmak, Martina Lesar Kikelj: Restoration Procedures in the Ptuj Dominican
Monastery between 2010‒2013. Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor
85=50(2014), 1–2, pp. 142–167

In the Ptuj Dominican Monastery, conservation-restoration work has been in progress
since 2009. Alongside the already discovered fragments of paintings requiring fresh treatment, we also came across a number of unique paintings that had been built over
or concealed under layers of plaster; these paintings are not only hugely important
in Slovenia but also in the wider area. The prioritised restoration work has been concentrated
on the conservation of the discovered paintings and protecting them from
further damage. Continued conservation-restoration work is crucial in achieving a
complete final image of the monastery’s historical elements.