1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek
UDK 75.052:[726:27-523.6](497.4Ptuj)

Marko Košan: Steletovo odkrivanje fresk v dominikanskem samostanu na Ptuju (1928–
1933). Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, str. 106–119

Po odločitvi mestnih oblast na Ptuju, da kompleks nekdanjega dominikanskega samostana
odkupijo in ga leta 1928 namenijo potrebam tedanjega Mestnega muzeja, je
konservator in vodja Spomeniškega urada za Slovenijo dr. France Stele v naslednjih
letih vodil restavratorska dela pri obnovitvenih delih in odkrivanju fresk. Najdbe in
ugotovitve je v letih 1928 in 1933 objavil v dveh poročilih v Časopisu z zgodovino in
narodopisje, ki do danes predstavljata temeljno literaturo o stavbni zgodovini kompleksa
in ohranjenem korpusu stenskih slikarij. Odkrite srednjeveške freske je razvrstil v
tri skupine, ki v kronološkem zaporedju obsegajo čas od prve polovice 14. do začetka
16. stoletja. Bogat in razčlenjen program stenskih poslikav dominikanskega samostana
na Ptuju, sedaj dopolnjen še z novimi odkritji, ponuja enega izmed najbolj zanimivih
strokovnih izzivov v okviru znanega gradiva stenskih poslikav visokega srednjega veka
na Slovenskem in tudi širše.

1.02 Review Article
UDC 75.052:[726:27-523.6](497.4Ptuj)

Marko Košan: France Stele’s Fresco Discoveries in the Ptuj Dominican Monastery
(1928–1933). Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, pp.

In 1928, having bought the former Dominican monastery complex, the Ptuj authorities
handed the building over to the then town museum. After this decision was made, France Stele, Ph.D., a conservator and the head of the Slovene Monument Office, led
the work on the discovery and renovation of the frescoes. Between 1928 and 1933, he
produced two reports containing his findings and his conclusions for the Časopis za
zgodovino in narodopisje (Review for History and Ethnography). These two reports are
still regarded today as key works on the history of the Dominican monastery building
and on the preserved corpus of the wall paintings. Stele divided the discovered
medieval frescoes into three groups, which, chronologically speaking, extend from the
first half of the 14th century to the beginning of the 16th century. The rich and diverse
scope of the Dominican monastery wall paintings means that it represents one of the
most interesting professional challenges within High Middle Ages wall paintings, not
only in Slovenia but also abroad.