1.04 Strokovni članek
UDK 902(497.4Ptuj); 726:27-523.6(497.4Ptuj)

Evgen Lazar: Zaščitne arheološke raziskave na območju dominikanskega samostana
na Ptuju (2011–2013). Časopis za zgodovino in narodopisje, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2,
str. 41–54

V prispevku so predstavljeni preliminarni rezultati zaščitnih arheoloških izkopavanj
na območju dominikanskega samostana, ki jih je izvedel Center za preventivno arheologijo
Zavoda za varstvo kulturne dediščine Slovenije od leta 2011 do leta 2013.
Izvedene so bile zaradi določitve vsebine in sestave najdišča ter odstranitve arheoloških
ostalin pred obnovo samostana. Odkrite arheološke ostaline so potrdile obstoj človekovega
bivanja na območju samostana od rimske dobe naprej in jih lahko na podlagi
rezultatov arheoloških izkopavanj razdelimo v štiri časovna obdobja, to so rimska
doba, srednji vek, novi vek in sedanjost.

1.04 Professionall Article
UDC 902(497.4Ptuj); 726:27-523.6(497.4Ptuj)

Evgen Lazar: The Protective Archaeological Research in the Ptuj Dominican Monastery
(2011–2013). Review for History and Ethnography, Maribor 85=50(2014), 1–2, pp. 41–54

The article presents the preliminary results of the protective archaeological digs in
the Ptuj Dominican Monastery performed between 2011 and 2013 by the Preventive
Archaeology Centre, which is part of the Institute for the Protection of Cultural
Heritage of Slovenia. The digs were performed in order to establish the contents and
composition of the archaeological site and to remove the archaeological remains before the renovation of the monastery. The archaeological remains confirmed the existence
of human residence on the monastery premises from the Roman era onwards. On the
basis of the digs’ results, the remains can be divided into four time periods, i.e. the
Roman period, the Middle Ages, the Early Modern Period and the present.